Leven beach is home to one of the most exhilarating activities in Fife!
Dipping is simply submerging your body into the sea.
While our beaches might look tropical, the water can be cold and we don’t recommend being in the sea for long periods of time, especially without a wetsuit.
BUT, if you give yourself around five minutes in the fresh, chilly water, you’ll have benefits all day. It will increase your dopamine levels which will make you feel good all day. It can help to boost your immune system and blood flow.
Please do your own research before going dipping. Check the tides, the weather reports and, if you have any doubts stay away.
There are a couple of groups in Levenmouth who go dipping regularly and would love for you to join them. It’s always more fun together!
Leven Looney Dookers Fife | Facebook
Fife Dippers mental health dipping society | Facebook